MCQs Of History Of USA – Part IV

51-World War I started after the assassination of ___________ of _____________ in __________.

Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Austria-Hungry, June 1914

52- Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a ___________ in ___________.

Young Siberian nationalist, Sarajevo

53-The Selective Service Act was passed by the Congress in __________.

May 1917

54-In World War I, approximately ________ African-Americans also served in the war and ________ were sent overseas.

400000, 200000

55-American troops in World War I, joined the Allied forces as ___________ rather than ________ to maintain their independence.

Associated, Allied forces

56-In World War I, more than __________ soldiers and ________ civilians were killed.

Eight million, Six million

57-In World War I, US lost ___________ men including _________ killed in action.

115000, 48000

58-During the era of World War I, global Influenza epidemic killed _____ Americans.


59-President Wilson gave his famous Fourteen Points Speech on ________.

January 8, 1918

60-After World War I, an armistice was declared on ___________ in Paris which is commonly Know as _________.

11 November 1918, Paris Peace Treaty

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