MCQs Of History Of USA – Part III

11-Jamestown was built by the English settler in _______ in the state of _______ in North America.

1619, Virginia

12-The earliest English settlement was called Jamestown because of its vicinity to _________.

James River

13-According to historians the practice of slavery in America began in ________ when African slaves were brought to Jamestown.


14-Cotton Gin was invented by ___________, a young Yankee schoolteacher in ___________.

Eli Whitney, 1793

15-Cotton Gin made possible the efficient removal of seeds from _______ fibres.

Raw Cotton

16-Fugitive Slave Act was passed in ______________.


17-Under Fugitive Act of 1793, a white person was allowed to claim a ________ as a fugitive unless another white person testifies otherwise.

Black Person

18-Missouri was added to the Union as a slave state in ___________.


19-Congress officially banned the international slave trade of USA on ___________.

January 1, 1808

20-Representative James Tallmadge, Jr., of New York offered ________ amendments to the _________ statehood bill on ___________.

Two, Missouri, February 13, 1819

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