MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I

31-A group of roughly how many members of a joint venture founded the first English settlement?


32-The first English settlement was established on the bank of which river in North America?

James River

33-What was the name of first English settlement?

James Town

34-Till 1640 England had established how many colonies?


35-In 1660 Charles II established how many more colonies?


36-When England took New York from Dutch?


37-In 1775 approximately how many Europeans were living in the New World?

2.5 Million

38-The British Colonial Governments in the New World were of how many types?


39-What were the Three types of British Colonial Governments in the New World?

Provincial/Royal Colony, Proprietary, Charter

40-Provincial/Royal colonies were governed by a governor who was appointed by the will of whom?


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