MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I

MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I. MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I. MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I.

MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I

1-About how many years ago some nomadic groups of people from Asia reached American continent?

15,000 – 50,000, Siberia, Alaska

2-About how many years years ago some groups of Native Americans began to domesticate plants?


3-In which era Native American began to establish stable communities?

300 BC

4-There were about how many spoken languages at the time when Columbus discovered America?

300 – 350

5- Where Aztecs and Incas built great empires?

In Mexico and Peru respectively

6-What was the full name of Columbus?

Christopher Columbus

7-When and for whom Columbus had sailed?

 1492, Monarch of Spain

8-Columbus in his lifetime had made total how many voyages.


9-Christopher Columbus died in which year?


10-The first sail for England in search of new land was made by whom and when?

John Cabot, 1497

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