Pak Study MCQs For Lectureship Test

Pak Study MCQs for lectureship test. Pakistan Studies MCQs for lectreship test. Pak Study MCQs for lectureship test. Pak Study MCQs for lectureship test.

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Pak Study MCQs For Lectureship Test

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1 To solve the water issue between Pakistan and India, the two countries signed an agreement called

Indus Basin Water Treaty

2 The Indus Basin Water Treaty was concluded between the two countries on

September 19th, 1960

3 Who was the arbitrator in Indus Water Treaty?

World Bank

4 According to the treaty, the water of which rivers, Pakistan would use?

River Chenab, River Jhelum and River Indus

5 According to the treaty, the water of which rivers, India would use?

River Beas, River Ravi and River Sutlej

6 At the time of partition, the number of Indian Princely States was


7 These princely states comprised of the Indian Territory


8 These princely states comprised of the Indian Population

A quarter

9 These princely states were not part of the administrative setup of

British India

10 When Cabinet Mission advised these princely states to extend their cooperation for framing of constitution so that their interest should also be safeguard?

May 12th 1946

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