GAT Subject Computer Science MCQs PDF

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GAT Subject Computer Science MCQs PDF

1 In MS Word, short key for undoing last action is

Ctrl + Z

2 Ctrl + =


3 What word reature does?

Automatically move text to next line when necessary

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4 To superscript the selected text in MS Word, short key is

Ctrl + Shift

5 Ctrl + F9 is used for

Inserting code braces

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6 To open dialogue box in MS Word, short key is

Ctrl + F12

7 To split a table in MS Word, shortcut key is

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

8 To increase left indent, short key is

Ctrl + M

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9 In MS Word the number of opening documents depends upon

Memory of computer

10 In creating a macro, the second step is

Naming the macro

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