51 The decimal system, used today all over the world was introduced by
Musa Khwarizmi
52 For solving algebraic problems, geometrical constructions were used for the first time by
Musa Khwarizmi
53 When was Musa Khwarizmi passed away?
850 AD
54 Where was Musa Khwarzmi died?
Baghdad, Iraq
55 When was Abul Wafa Muhammad Al Buzjani born?
10th June 940 AD
56 Where was Al Buzjani born?
Buzjan, Iran
57 Al Buzjani contributed mainly to
Geometry and Trigonometry
58 Al Buzjani also noted and explained the movements of
59 When was Al Buzjani died?
July 15th , 998 AD
60 Where was Al Buzjani died?
Baghdad, Iraq