Angels And Their Duties MCQs – 10 Important MCQs

This set of MCQs contain important information about Angels also called Malaikas and their duties in Islam. In our previous package of Multiple Choice Questions about Malaikas, Names Of Angels in Quran MCQs contains their Islamic names in question answer form.

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Angels And Their Duties MCQs

1 Which Angel duty was to convey revelation to prophets?

Jibrael/Gabriel (A.S)

2 Which Angel is called the Angel of Trumpet?

Israfel (A.S)

Names Of Angels in Quran MCQs

3 Which Angel has the duty of taking souls?

Azrael (A.S)

4 What is the other name of Angel Azrael/Izrael (A.S)?


5 Which Angel controls rain, wind, seasons and other similar things?

Mikael/Michel (A.S)

Hajj Info MCQs

6 What are names of the Malaikah that record human deeds?

Kiraman Katibin

7 What are Angels of Muqarrabun?

That sustain the Throne of Allah and praised Him

8 What are the names of the Malaikah that question human beings in their graves?

Munkar (AS)-Nakir (AS)

9 What is the name of Angel that is the gatekeeper of the hell?

Malik (A.S)

10 What is the name of Angel that is the gatekeeper of the heaven?

Rizwan (A.S)

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