Status Of Women in Education in Pakistan

The article discusses “Status of women in education in Pakistan. Gender discrimination in education in Pakistan. Status of women in education in Pakistan. Female education in Pakistan. Pakistan girls deprived of education. Status of women in education in Pakistan. Women education in Pakistan. Female education in rural areas of Pakistan. Status of women in education in Pakistan. Lack of education in Pakistan. Status of women in education in Pakistan. Status of women in education in Pakistan.

Status Of Women in Education in Pakistan

Problems faced by Pakistani women in education are not different from that of sectors such as health and employment. The literacy rate of Pakistani women in urban areas is as high as 74.79 per cent as compared to rural areas where it is hardly 7.2 per cent. Main reason of this huge difference is the problems faced by the women in rural areas of the country.

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Barriers To Female Education in Pakistan

status of women in education in pakistan

Education is a fundamental right of every female citizen of Pakistan according to article thirty seven (37) of the constitution of the country but still majority of women is deprived of it. Some of the major problems of female education in Pakistan are given below.

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Socio-Cultural Obstacles: More than 40 per cent of girls in Pakistan never enrolled in school. The situation is especially alarming in rural areas due to social and cultural obstacles.

Inadequate Number Of Girls’ Schools And Colleges: In rural areas of Pakistan one of the major problems faced by women in education is the inadequate number of school and colleges. Girls have to travel a long distance mostly by foot to reach school or college. This put girls’ safety in danger and so parents do not enrolled their daughters in school and college.

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Problem Of Child Labor: In most third world countries including Pakistan, children often could not get education because they work during day time to support their families financially. In Pakistan children often work at brick kiln factories, agriculture, carpet weaving industry and other small industries across the country.

Gender Discrimination in Education: In Pakistan parents often favor the education of their male children over female. Whenever there is a tradeoff between boys and girls for sending school, parents prefer to spend on boys’ education as they are considered the future earning hands of their families.

Economic Hurdles: Majority of parents in Pakistan due to economic challenges cannot afford to send their girl child to school.

Fear Of Extremists: Extremist groups in rural areas particularly in tribal areas of Pakistan are strongly against female schooling. Such groups have not only destroyed hundreds of girls’ schools but also have targeted innocent girls from time to time. They have put parents in odd situation in rural and tribal areas regarding female education.

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Feudalism Factor: Feudalism is also a major obstacle in both male and female education in rural areas of Pakistan. Feudal landlords are strongly against their people education because it puts their authority in danger.

Solution To Problems Of Female Education in Pakistan

Some of the recommended solutions to the above mentioned problems are given below.

  • Ensure security
  • Construct more schools and colleges
  • Change mind set of public
  • Vibrant educational policy
  • Equal access to education

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Importance Of Female Education in Pakistan

For social, political and economic development of a nation the education of women is as important as the education of men. Pakistan is a developing nation and it cannot become a developed state until and unless it solved the above mentioned problems faced by women in education.

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